Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

How to Make a Blog with WordPres

Now it has a personal blog as if it becomes mandatory especially for those of you who like to write. This hobby of writing should not be underestimated because who knows your writings are liked by many people and can even make money, so you should try to pour them online on a blog and share them with your people. Making this Blog from experience is tricky, especially if you are a beginner in the world of the Internet and Blogging. Many platforms offer free Blogging, each with advantages and disadvantages. For example there is WordPress, Blogspot, Tumblr, Wix and others. For those of you who don't use the platform above, you don't need to worry because there are so many cheap hosting facilities that you can use. For beginners, of course, they are quite confused which one to choose and which is the most appropriate and most complete feature. Now we will discuss anything that you need to prepare and do when creating a Blog or how to create an easy website without the hassle. We will divide the topic first so :
1. The advantage of having a Blog. 
2. Determine the Blog. 
3. Platform Choose WordPress as the Blogging.
4. platform Self-Hosted Blog with its own Domain Technical steps to create a Blog on WordPress.

Benefits of Having a Blog
Having your own blog certainly has many benefits other than as a place for you to create a blog, you can also use it for personal portfolios, promotions, earning money, etc. The climax is making money and there are many ways to make money from blogs. You can get money on Blogs like this. 
•- Advertisement. You can place ads like Google Adsense, personal Banner Ads and many others. 
•- Promotion of Goods & Services. You can promote your own merchandise and services or others for whom you can charge a fee. 
•- Affiliate Program. With many Marketplaces offering Affiliates such as Blibli, Lazada and others, you can join this program by displaying their catalogs or links on your Blog. Just waiting for how much commission you get There are many other ways to get money with a blog, basically you can create opportunities to make your own money on the sidelines of busyness.
Determine the Blog Platform There are many platform choices to choose from such as WordPress, Blogspot, Tumblr, Wix and others. Each platform has advantages and disadvantages of each that you can analyze and compare yourself. But trying one by one was tiring and spent a lot of time. Considerations in choosing the Blogging Platform, for example, is about how easy it is, how it works, how safe it is, how SEO it is, and most importantly what your goals are. If your goal is to create a Blog just for light writing like vent etc. you just use Tumblr or Blogspot. If you want your blog to be more flexible in the sense that it can contain personal writing and can also contain professional content such as special themed articles, then WordPress is perfect for you.
Choose WordPress as the Blogging platform

WordPress is currently the most popular Blogging Platform and more than 75 million (29%) websites in the world are made with WordPress. Ranging from popular sites to personal blogs are all there. WordPress offers a complete package in Blogging that you can choose from. You can use the free or the paid one and it should be noted that the free one is no less OK than the paid one. WordPress provides a wide selection of beautiful, free templates that you can use, they also love a neat and capable CMS with full features. You can upload text, images, videos to set and optimize SEO ... all complete. Plus a lot of community so you don't need to worry there is a problem with your blog because many people are ready to help answer your problem and also of course all the topics related to WordPress have been scattered on the internet.
Technical steps to create a Blog on WordPress 
If you have already specified a Hosting Provider and also have a Domain, you can just install your WordPress Blog with the following steps.
1. Install WordPress on your hosting

Usually hosting services include an automatic installer, access via cPanel or your main hosting dashboard. There are many ways available; however, they all follow the same basic steps. First, enter the dashboard or cPanel and go to Website> Auto Installer:

Search and Select WordPress.

Select the WordPress option that appears and you will be asked to fill in the form as shown below. After that, click the Install button to begin the installation process:

If we have continued to the next step.
2. Set WordPress Default Settings 
This setting is standard from WordPress, for the first time you should just follow this standard step. Enter the WordPress dashboard. Then go to Settings> General, there are some standard settings such as your site's default title and tagline. Please fill in accordance with your BLG topic. Fill it with simple, not too long but it exactly describes your blog.

Don't forget to set the language and time zone options.

If so, click Save Changes. Then go to Settings> Discussion to activate or deactivate the comments column, or set the discussion of certain keywords. You can be sure of yourself what features you want to present on the Blog.

Please save the changes above, then now open Settings> Permalinks. This part is important because it also determines the structure of your blog link and this is very influential to SEO. Select the Post Name option.

Click Save Changes. 
3. Choose Interesting WordPress Themes / Templates 
Display is very important for your blog because this is true of your blog's identity. Choose a Theme that matches the Blog Topic. You can also read references to the best themes first on the internet.

After obtaining the desired theme, reopen the WordPress dashboard, and select Appearance> Themes> Add New:

Directed : Hady_Art

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