Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019

Mudah, Begini Cara Menyimpan Video dari Facebook ke Galeri Android!

Berbagi video memang dapat dilakukan dengan sangat mudah pada saat ini melalui berbagai mecam media sosial yang ada.
Facebook merupakan salah satunya. Layanan media sosial raksasa ini dapat menjadi tempat berbagi momen dan cerita yang pas, dengan berbagai macam fitur yang dimilikinya. Dan salah satu fitur tersebut adalah video, yang telah banyak digunakan oleh pengguna.
Pengguna dapat dengan mudah membagikan momen dalam bentuk siaran langsung maupun video biasa di Facebook. Namun sayangnya, pengguna hanya dapat melihat video tersebut secara langsung di layanan tersebut. Pengguna tidak dapat menemukan fitur unduh video di dalam layanan Facebook.

18 Tips dan Trik WhatsApp 2019

1. Cara membuat teks tebal, miring, atau dicoret

Sudah ada sejak awal WhatsApp diciptakan, tetapi tetap saja ada banyak orang yang tidak tahu tentang trik WhatsApp yang satu ini.
Cukup beri tanda bintang (*) di awal dan akhir kata atau kalimat yang ingin ditebalkan. Jadi, jika Anda ingin menebalkan kata biskuit, Anda harus mengetik *biskuit*.
Hal yang sama berlaku untuk huruf miring, hanya dengan menambahkan garis bawah (_) di kedua sisi teks yang diinginkan. Untuk mencoret teks, Anda hanya menambahkan tilde (~) ke awal dan akhir bagian yang diinginkan. Ada juga opsi untuk membuat teks monospace, dengan menambahkan tiga aksen kubur (`) di kedua sisi teks.

Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

How to Make a Blog with WordPres

Now it has a personal blog as if it becomes mandatory especially for those of you who like to write. This hobby of writing should not be underestimated because who knows your writings are liked by many people and can even make money, so you should try to pour them online on a blog and share them with your people. Making this Blog from experience is tricky, especially if you are a beginner in the world of the Internet and Blogging. Many platforms offer free Blogging, each with advantages and disadvantages. For example there is WordPress, Blogspot, Tumblr, Wix and others. For those of you who don't use the platform above, you don't need to worry because there are so many cheap hosting facilities that you can use. For beginners, of course, they are quite confused which one to choose and which is the most appropriate and most complete feature. Now we will discuss anything that you need to prepare and do when creating a Blog or how to create an easy website without the hassle. We will divide the topic first so :
1. The advantage of having a Blog. 
2. Determine the Blog. 
3. Platform Choose WordPress as the Blogging.
4. platform Self-Hosted Blog with its own Domain Technical steps to create a Blog on WordPress.

Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

How to Install Windows 10 - Clean Install

How to Install Windows 10 - Clean Install is a method of how to reinstall Windows 10 a wise choice. This can solve even the most tangled problems with the operating system that feels messy on a computer or laptop. This step means deleting all the files contained on the hard disk without remaining, including viruses and malware if any, then replace it with a new system from scratch. Therefore, please pay attention when removing the driver later so that important files on other drives still exist, or if you are not sure, then save the data first in a safe place. General Preparation Procedure Before starting the installation, be sure to meet the following general requirements to help especially beginners making the installation process easy:

• Note the minimum PC specifications are eligible.

• Know the type of 32-bit or 64-bit processor. 

• Must prepare the windows driver needed to maximize the performance of the windows system. However this is done after the installation is complete. 

Prepare the most important and frequently used software or application for computers and laptops, because the original Windows settings only provide limited programs. Download a collection of free software here. Note: When starting the installation we need to "boot" first from the "CD / DVD" drive if you use the "Windows 10 Installer" CD / DVD or from USB if you use a Flashdisk (See Here How to install Windows 7 from a Flashdisk). Complete Windows 10 installation How to Install Windows 10 To install Windows 10 on computers and laptops:

1. Turn on the computer or laptop.